Basement Waterproofing: Top 4 Things to Check - For Realtors With Water Issues!


1. Downspout Extensions: Are They Connected?
The downspout extensions should extend a minimum 4 to 6 feet from the foundation. They should also not terminate within the landscape bed.  The extensions will often fall off or be moved during mowing.  If a basement water leak should occur, you can quickly check the downspout extension nearest the leak to see if it is properly attached.

2. Does the Soil Slope Down to Foundation?
Another easy inspection is the slope of the soil near the foundation. If the soil appears flat or has a deep downward slope towards the foundation, a simple solution is to add dirt to the foundation so the soil slopes down from the foundation a minimum of 4 feet. Check the basement for water leaks during the next rainstorm to see if the leak has been fixed.

3. Are The Gutters Cleaned?
Some gutters are very hard to inspect due to the height, however many leaks are caused by clogged gutters and downspouts. It's worth getting a tall ladder out and peering into the gutter. If so, clear the leaves and check the basement for water leaks during the next rain.

4. Concrete: Are there Lots of Cracks?
Another simple check is of the concrete at the foundation. If there are a lot of cracks in the concrete (outside where the leak in the basement is occurring), there's a good chance the leak is from the concrete. It would be best to call the Leak Detective to make sure only the minimal amount concrete is removed.

We know this list is by no means comprehensive.  We know of over 50 things that can cause leaks.  Things such as patios, decks, landscape beds, sidewalks, even the neighbors.

What do you think is the best thing to check?  We’d love to hear from you on our blog…