Sump Pumps are a Good Value Myth

Sump Pumps Are a Good Value Myth
Some pumps are an extremely expensive addition to your house with little to show for it. A slick sales representative for a waterproofing basement contractor will tell you that you can sleep peacefully at night knowing that some pub is removing water from your basement. The reality is your basement is still leaking.
The sump pump and drain tile system only removes water leaking into your basement in a manner which is less obvious than before. These companies do not accomplish the simple task of stopping the leak. They hide the leaking water under the concrete. Its the same thing as sweeping a problem under the rug.
It doesn’t have to cost a lot to stop most leaks. For example, most of our clients repair their leaks for less than $100. YES, you read that correctly, LESS THAN $100!
97% of the leaks we investigate have relatively inexpensive repair cost. Paying $10,000 or more for something that can be accomplished for as little as $100 is NOT a good value. Please see our other sub pump myth articles for more facts about some pumps the other basement leak companies don’t want you to know.
Before you get convinced into wasting an extravagant amount of money on an unnecessary sump pump, we would suggest you study all our reasons for NOT getting a sump pump. Our explanation of how sump pumps work will immunize you against slick talking salesman. They want you to buy something that is not necessary and may even be counterproductive to having a dry, damp free basement.
Basement waterproofing for water in basement has led to some inaccurate theories of how water moves underground on its way to get the basement wet. We can help with DIY basement waterproofing by accurately understanding how water is getting into the basement.