Our Services

Home Buyer Inspections
Leak Detection Services for Realtors in Lincoln & Omaha Leak Detection Services for Realtors. We help Realtors close the deal! In order to get the Closing, timing is everything. You cannot wait weeks and weeks to have an inspection. The Leak Detective gives realtors expert opinion about the severity of a basement water leak. Our…

Commercial Residential Storm Water Design
Commercial Residential Storm Water Design How Hard Could it be to Design My Own Storm Water System? We know its not easy to get your storm water system design correctly. Here’s a small sample of some issues we deal with everyday: Slopes, Flow Lines, Dirt Grading, Sumps, Foundation drains, Voids Under Concrete, Roof Drainpipes, Gutters,…

Leak Detection
Leak Detection in Lincoln & Omaha, Nebraska Find the Source of Water Leaking Our leak detection process starts by inspecting the basement walls, floors and ceilings, determining the extent of the potential leak source. We then proceed to inspect your house perimeter. This includes the slopes in your yard, all sources of water that can affect your…