Walls moving in Basement Lincoln

Walls moving in your basement in Lincoln & Omaha
Nearly every house older than 25 years has some cracks visible in the basement foundation wall. Most people do not realize that in order for the soil to cause a wall to crack is must first become saturated with water. That means water problem is the root cause of walls moving in basements. In order for an entire wall to move, an extreme amount of water must be collecting in the soil next to the wall. This condition can be when soils are extremely sandy, or when there's an extremely large sump in the yard. In order to determine the best protective measures to take please give us a call and we can help you assess the best way to relieve the water pressure on your wall.
Basement waterproofing are techniques that stop water getting in basements. In order to fix the problem - aka: stop the leaking water into the basement, you must know how the water is getting in. 97% of wet basements are caused by waterproofing problems in the yard. Surface water causes almost all damp and leaking basements. Whether the basement is damp, wet or flooded, the water usually comes in during a heavy rain. We can help with DIY basement waterproofing by accurately understanding how water gets into the basement. Follow the links above and below to understand how water gets into basements.
Basement Water Problems
If you have water in your basement, check your gutters and downspouts to redirect the water away from your basement. Trees and shrubs should be planted at least 5 feet away from your foundation.
Look for the following signs of moisture in your home to determine whether or not you need basement waterproofing services:
• Standing water
• Insect infestation and nesting rodents
If you notice any of these signs, contact the Leak Detective. The Leak Detective is trained to find the source of your basement water issues and assess your basement water proofing design. The Leak Detective will suggest an exterior drainage system to keep your home safe and dry for many years to come.
Services we offer in Lincoln & Omaha:
• Wet/flooded basement waterproofing solutions
• Correct basement waterproofing products
• Basement waterproofing suggestions
• Inexpensive basement waterproofing ideas
• Basement Waterproofing Reports
Service Area Zip Codes:
68501 68502 68503 68504 68505 68506 68507 68508 68509 68510 68512 68514 68516 68517 68520 68521 68522 68523 68524 68526 68527 68528 68529 68531 68532 68542 68544 68583 68588 Lincoln, NE is serviced by Leak Detective