Matric Forces Vs. Gravity


Matric Forces Vs. Gravity

Matric forces consist of cohesive and adhesive forces in water. Cohesive forces are the attractions between two water molecules, and adhesive forces are the attraction between water and non water particles such as soil and sand.

Gravity force is the exertion of water downward by the earth. The significance of both types of force is these cause water to leaks in basements. You don’t have to understand physics to fix the problem yourself. DIY waterproofing should focus on the surface drainage of water and not drain tile and sub pump systems because gravity pulls water down the foundation wall, and adhesive and cohesive forces pulls water through the soil towards the foundation from a surface penetration point. In order to stop leaks in basements, wet basements and damp basement it is necessary to remove sources of water on the surface. Look at our section on the causes of leaks in basements, or call the Leak Detective for ideas to waterproof your damp basement.

Basement waterproofing for water in basement has led to some inaccurate descriptions of how water moves underground on its way to get a leaking basement or a flooded basement. We can help with DIY basement waterproofing by accurately helping you with understanding how water is getting into the basement.

Leak University