Hydrostatic Pressure Myths

Hydrostatic Pressure Myths Busted
Hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted within water that pushes water evenly in horizontal andvertical directions. Hydrostatic pressure is increased by creating a vertical column that resists the pressure of water, and allows water to stacked vertically in a linear continuous fashion. Basically, think of a water tower. The ground around your house, unless 100% saturated with water, cannot create a significant amount of hydrostatic pressure. What most people observe during a leak in their basement is the gravity flow of water down the outside face of the foundation until it finds a horizontal crack. From there, adhesive forces and gravity forces combine to gently nudge the water into the basement. If hydrostatic forces were great, water would flow out horizontally into your basement a great distance, like shooting a hose sideways.
If a contractor tells you you have hydrostatic forces pushing water into your basement, please escort him out of your house and call the Leak Detective for ideas to waterproof your damp basement.
Basement waterproofing for water in basement has led to some inaccurate descriptions of how water moves underground on its way to get a leaking basement or a flooded basement. We can help with DIY basement waterproofing by accurately helping you with understanding how water is getting into the basement.