Clay Bowl Effect

Clay Bowl Effect
“Clay bowl” is not a scientific term. Rather, it is a fictitious theory of water penetration caused when digging a foundation. This fictions theory states that the soil not disturb around the perimeter of the house(called virgin soil) is claimed to not be able to absorb water as well the soil that is removed (called active soil). This fake theory is used to justify the use of a sump pump pit and drain tile system in a basement where it is not necessary.
We have found no scientific proof that a clay bowl has ever been discovered, observed or proven to have occurred.
In order to have a clay bowl around your house you would need a waterproof layer of soil around your foundation. Clay soil is not waterproof. Water can leak out of the boundary between a virgin and active soils easily on all surfaces including vertical and horizontal surfaces. Water does not fill a clay ball as evident by the lack of a continuous water level line around the perimeter of the basement walls. In addition water should come up through the floor via every crack or floor penetration. If your contractor tells you you have a clay bowl, please escort him out of your house and call the Leak Detective for ideas to waterproof your damp basement.
Basement waterproofing for water in basement has led to some inaccurate descriptions of how water moves underground on its way to get a leaking basement or a flooded basement. We can help with DIY basement waterproofing by accurately helping you with understanding how water is getting into the basement.