Leak Repair Estimate

The Cost Estimate Includes:

Typical Material Costs - For Owners Who Can Do the Construction Themselves. These are the Material Costs For The Most Common Problems That Cause Leaks. These costs do not include labor if done by others.

The Leak Detective Does Not Do Any Construction. Ask Us for Referrals.

Common Leak Repair cost Material Cost + Investigation = Total Cost
Gutters / Downspouts $5 + $150 = $155
Cracks / Voids $15 + $150 = $165
Landscape Beds $50 + $150 = $200
Storm Drain Line $250 + $150 = $400
Grading Changes $500 + $150 = $650
Grading & Storm Drain Line $750 + $150 = $900
Concrete $1000 + $150 = $1150
Soils $50 + $150 = $200
Sumps $2500 + $150 = SEE SUMP PUMP COSTS BELOW

Sump Pump Costs:

We DO NOT recommend Sump Pumps & Drain Tile Inside. THESE DO NOT FIX THE LEAK. They are not needed 97% of the time.

Water Leak Myths

Sump Pump Myths

Sump Pump Failures